Monday, June 7, 2010

A Fantastic Day at Kalama Beach Park

This afternoon many families from our church's congregation gathered for a potluck at the beach. Lots of food, fun games, and swimming made for a very exciting afternoon. Before all the food and people arrived, some of us kids decided to burn off our excess energy. (I know! Isn't that amazing?! We had energy to run off!) For those of you who do not already know this, it does NOT snow very often here in Hawaii. So we made do with wet grass as a substitute for snow and boogie boards as sleds.
Nora was getting very excited about the whole thing.
After everyone arrived, we ate and the fun began!! The first game we played was a cross between a three-legged race and a gunny sack race.
Ahh yes, obviously I do not have my gunny sack license. In this picture I am trying to untangle my partner from my sister....hmmm. The next game was the egg toss. I politely declined to participate. Last year I got raw egg all over. Not going to happen again! No-sir-ee!!The distribution of the eggs!! Now line up with your partner aaaannnndddd toss!!!Oooor stretch as far as you can and hand your egg to your partner. Takes away from the whole egg toss part of it.Eventually though, they were too far apart to hand the egg across so most people actually tossed their eggs. But other, wiser people simply rolled their eggs across the ground to their partner. THAT'S MY SISTER!! GOOOO ABI!! I'd like to mention that she made it home with her egg intact. The next activity was a father/child(ren) game that made every child giddy with excitement. Clint Eubanks provided instructions: "Ok now!! Fall in!! Here's the drill!! Each participant will be given shaving cream and popcorn. First you will cover your dad's face in liberal amounts of shaving cream. Then, using your popcorn as ammo, you will fire at your target (aka dad's head). Whoever ends up with the most ammo on their target wins!"
The above pictures are obviously of dads being *ahem* "creamed". After the creaming of fathers, certain persons grabbed the unused shaving cream cans and started a "chase people and spray them all over with shaving cream" game.
Some people were targeted more than others....The rest of the day was spent playing in the ocean, digging in the sand, getting sunburned, all the things that you are expected to do at the beach!

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