Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Juggling: Socially Risky Behavior

 Slowly, but surely, I am getting back into the swing of things.  Each day has its schedule, although 'normal' cannot be used to describe my school week.  Or life in general.  What is normal?  There always seems to be a last second change.  A new event needing to be scheduled, things needing to be pushed around to make everything work.  But flexibility is one of the perks of being homeschooled.  And blogging is finally inching its way to the top of the priorities list. :)

Afternoons have, until just recently, consisted of walks to the park with Mom and the two little ones.  While Bear arranges his stick garden or guides Mom into his imaginary house (through the back door, because the front is locked, obviously), I spend our last warm outings differently.  Laying on my back in the grass, watching the blue sky, feeling the light breeze brush my face, ignoring the tingling feeling on my ankle telling me that some curious insect or another is striking out over the unknown and watching trees shed golden leaves.  If not for the leaves, I could have sworn that it was still late August. 

Summer has gone and fall has officially set in.  And I can't say that I am sad to see it go.  I have enjoyed the bright, sunny, warm days, yes, but there is something about fall that I have missed.  The bursts of color, brisk winds, and those cloudy days where the best thing to do is throw on sweats and a jacket, make some hot cocoa and sit back for an afternoon of online classes.

Bingo, Latin style.
(With edible, sugary, delicious playing pieces. Best kind of bingo if you ask me.)
I am enjoying school quite a bit this year.  The stress of the first year of highschool is gone and I have been able to relax after getting used to new online class times and homework due-dates.  And so, on top of online classes four afternoons of the week, and babysitting three mornings a week, there are those super important extra-curricular activities such as football games, helping out with Awana, afternoons spent bowling, and Venture Crew events to fit in as well. 
While I do not claim to have the art of juggling events mastered, I haven't dropped a ball (completely, anyways, there have been near misses) yet.  Hopefully I won't ever.  But that is highly unlikely.


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