Tuesday, April 17, 2012

March Madness Recap!

For all of those basketball fans out there, I'm sorry to disappoint. This is not, in fact, a post about basketball (even though I DID come in second in our family pool.. I know, crazy, right?). 
This is my attempt to cover some of the super exciting stuff that happened during the month of March... through pictures, because I don't feel like writing a novel or attempting to condense into a short enough post.  Condensing hurts my brain.  It does not come naturally.
One of the most exciting things that happened in March was spring!
The temperature reached upper 50s, maybe even some lower 60s, multiple times last month!
This was cause for much celebration.
The warm weather meant we were able to walk around Lupburg in tanktops and flip-flops.

It meant haircuts on the backporch and swinging at the park.

 Awana game-time outside! 
And, on the rare occasion when we didn't/couldn't make it out into the great outdoors, Abi and Bear set up shop in the living room.  This shop was open for everyone and anyone to come and buy an assortment of items.  Some of which may have even been sneakily removed from your very own bedroom.
"If you want your hairbrush back, you're going to have to pay 15 euro cents. And we accept donations!"
We are full of creative ways to make money.
~ RM


  1. Pictures are worth 1000 words, therefore you have a couple thousand words in this blog. So glad you used pics instead of words because I can't read to well. Blog looks great, pics are awesome. Hope April is as much fun and warmer than March!

  2. Hi Micaiah, I'm not sure if you remember me, but this is Lauren, from Hawaii. I was just going through old emails and came across your link and saw your incredible blog! I am so glad Germany has been so wonderful to you guys. All of your stories are amazing, and so is your new sister!! I still remember you being overjoyed at the thought of a heavy coat :) I'm so happy to see you are doing well, and hopefully we can catch up soon!
    Lots of love,
    Lauren (lauren.wilson04@hotmail.com)

  3. Lauren! Of course I remember you! It's been forever! We really should talk sometime and catch up. I hope everything is well with you and thanks for commenting! (And yes, I do remember being so excited about a winter coat hahaha Now I'm just ready for summer to come back.) I'll shoot you an email and we can talk!
    Miss you!

  4. Your siblings setting up shop? Oh yes. iPods are worth something around here. You want it back? Here's our price. How 'bout a comb? Yep, here it is- we have everything. For a price, that is.


    Glad life's treatin' you well, Rachel! Miss ya!

  5. That is a GREAT idea!! thanks bunches! Kiah is gonna hate me for it though (*shrugs shoulders)
