Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh Yes, Life Most Certainly Can

There have been quite a few times that I've said to myself,  "Life just can't be more hectic."  Oh, how I regret those words now!  This past week we have 1) received our orders - almost, anyway, we have not actually held a copy of them. They are currently being revised since a few minor details (like my dad's social security number) had to be corrected. 2) We have learned that we will be leaving island about a month before we thought we were.  3)  Suddenly we realize that our possessions will be shipping in just a few weeks.  That hasn't exactly sunk in yet.  "You mean I have to pack all these things?  Already?!"  "You don't have to pack everything!  There's a trash pile and a sell pile right over there!"  My mom is very organized and enjoying the whole 'weeding out process'.  I, on the other hand, am not.  She says I get it from my dad's side.  So, the next few weeks are about to get amazingly crazy with all the packing and the garage sale coming up.  Add to that ice-skating lessons, ballet lessons, small-group, and school....I don't think things will be slowing down anytime soon.

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