Friday, November 5, 2010

Rising AND Shining

I woke up this morning to my brother's voice.  He sounded exasperated, as if he had been repeating himself.  Shaking my shoulder he says my name again, trying to remind me that I was supposed to go for a run.  I answered with a groan.  The sky outside my window was still dark, street lamps still shown brightly, my alarm clock flashed 5:45 am.  My feet peeked out from under my blanket.  They were rather cold.  After much poking and prodding, I sat up with another groan.  I pulled myself reluctantly out of my nest of warm blankets on the ground and told him to leave (none too audibly) and then began to ready myself for my imminent physical exercise.  When I was finally prepared, I stepped outside as the sky was just beginning to brighten.  Birds were chirping, the street glistened with  the last night's rain, and I realized how long it had been since I had removed myself from our home early in the morning.  I ran and I felt refreshed despite my heavy breathing.
Although I would not have admitted it a few weeks ago when my dad announced that we would be doing 'family PE' over break, I found that I was enjoying it and that I needed it.  It's not that I'm lazy, I spend at  the very least four and a half hours a week doing ballet, but now that I'm not dancing, I never 'find time' to get out and move around.  There is always so much to do here in the house.  Homework, chores, homework, blogging, homework, packing...I can always think of  a reason to not go outside.  I've found that because I'm inside all day and don't exercise, both my muscles and attitude are affected.  Waking up in the morning and going outside, even just for a walk, gives me time to breathe before the day begins and (especially when I'm just walking and am not distracted with trying to inhale and exhale) I use that time to talk with my Father.  That in itself makes my day go so much smoother!



  1. I totally know what you mean. I think I would like getting out for a walk once in a while, but I just... can't... make myself. And that's the truth. :/ You're so much more motivated than me!!! :P

  2. What's so bad about a little run every morning??? I run at least 3/4-1 mile and cycle a mile EVERY day! Girls are SO weird.

  3. I like the outdoors!! so i guess it helps...
