Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hello, I am from Spare Oom.

In front of our hotel there is a large wood. 
With a path running right through it.
Being the adventurous children that we are, my siblings and I decided to bundle up and see just where the path led.
I found a lamp-post in the wood.  And then I thought I saw Mr. Tumnus.  But it turned out to be just my brother in a scarf with an umbrella.


  1. LOL I bet you found some parcels lying on the ground too.

  2. Ahhh! SO CLOSE TO NARNIA!!! I think I should start packing to visit ya'll... =)

  3. Wait a minute!! Wait a minute!! Send me some Turkish Delight when you get there!!!!! And Micaiah, from what you've been saying on Buzz on Gmail, there isn't any "Spare Oom" in your "Hotel Oom"

  4. Sounds good Sierra!! Email me when you have your plane ticket ;) And, Stephen, I will send you some Turkish Delight if I find any, but I dont know if it will last in the mail... :D

  5. Hey, Rachel:) You are a finalist for the photography contest on my blog... so go vote for yourself;) If you wish to, that is!

    You can count on me email you! Wouldn't miss it for the world!

  6. Wait a minute! Wait a minute!! Also, besides the Turkish Delight, kill Peter and send me his sword and shield!! And kill Lucy and bring me that cool dagger and that stuff that heals any injury!!

  7. I don't think you need any weapons Stephen!!!!!
