Monday, January 24, 2011

Internet Troubles and Magic Sticks That Complicate Things

This may come as a shock ... I ... am not a computer wiz.

I know, you're stunned.  I am not only, not a computer wiz, I have been the cause of computer malfunctions in the past.  But I can guarantee that this time, it's not my fault.  Our house does not have internet right now and will not have internet until a port opens up in our area.  It is a lot more complicated than that, but right now I'm not feeling patient enough to try and remember every detail enough to explain it.  So, because of not having internet, my dad purchased a stick.  A magic stick.  A magic stick that provides really slow internet access.  It is too slow to stream anything, which, as you may very well know, puts a chink in the whole "online class at 8:00 pm Germany time after all the free internet hotspots have closed".   Because of this predicament I emailed my teacher to see if it was possible for me to switch to an earlier class.  His reply explained that all his classes are full and I would have to change teachers in order to switch classes.  I love my teacher and my class too much to leave them so that option was scrapped.  Then, yesterday some friends of ours from chapel offered to allow me to attend my class at their house on their internet until we get ours.  One problem down!!  Thank you, very-nice-friends-whose-name-I-am-not-going-to-put-on-my-blog-without-permission!  You know who you are :) 
There remains the problem of a slow computer.  If I tried to upload photos to my blog for you all to see I would look like that guy who grew a beard while waiting for his internet to load.  (I am aware that if none of you have seen that commercial, then that sentence sounds really strange and you are now contemplating my mental stability.)  I am living in GERMANY!!  I have tons of lovely pictures sitting on my SD card waiting to be shown to the world and I. Can't. Upload. Them!!!!

One moment while I regain my composure.

Yesterday, after chapel and lunch, my family went to the Java Cafe (one of those free internet hotspots mentioned earlier whose hot chocolate does not taste right).  While Bear played in the 'Kids Zone', my dad and I attempted to get onto the internet and upload pictures.  An hour and a half later we were still endeavoring to access the 'free internet service'.  Eventually, we gave up and my father formed a plan of attack.  Right next door to the Java was the Bowling Alley which also has wifi but you have to pay for it.  My dad dropped me off there for an hour so that I could try again.  I tried without success for about fifteen minutes and then all of a sudden, I was on the internet without paying.  After bringing this to the attention of one of the employees, he told me 'a little secret'.  He said that I was sitting in the corner and that corner picks up the Java's internet connection.  He said that if I had connected to the internet without paying then good for me, just don't spread it around.  I guess I am kinda 'spreading it around' by posting this on my blog, but I have this strange feeling that none of you will be here in Germany at that particular bowling alley anytime soon.  Anyways, I was more than a little exasperated because I did not want the Java's screwy connection, I wanted the connection that I could pay for and know that it would work.  Well, to make a long story longer...I spent my specified amount of time attempting to gain internet access without triumph.  So, I ended up purchasing myself a soda to heal the heartache.  Sodas can do that, you know.  Turned out that the problem was the magic stick.  It had been interfering with our wireless connection.  I will never trust another magic stick again...



  1. Rachel! Oh, the pain, the agony!!!! And would you believe that I CAN SYMPATHIZE WITH YOU!!! i HATE those little magic stick thing-a-ma-bobbies... and hate is a strong word for me.


    *offers helpful smile after feeling as though adding to the pain and agony*

  2. Hi, Micaiah! How are things over there in Germany? I just wanted to let you know that my blog address is a little bit different and I have made some drastic changes to it! it's:

    Missing You!


  3. LOL I love the commercial!! And I thought there was a woman who grew a beard too. And maybe Isaac could get your internet to work! He IS smarter than you, ya know! JKJK
