Wednesday, May 30, 2012

And We're Back!

To quiet all of those crazy rumours that I know are circulating about why I haven't blogged recently:
No.  It was not due to the fact that I had finals this month.  It was, instead, due to the fact that I was abducted by green, mind-reading aliens with slimy tentacles and three eyes.  It wasn't until just yesterday that an astronaut rescued me and I was returned to our lovely planet earth.  The experience was horribly traumatizing and I don't know if I'll ever recover.
True story.
Even after this scarring event, I am determined to continue my failed blog challenge.
Because I'm focused like that.
Thank you for dealing with my sudden disappearance with such poise.  (Though I might have appreciated a search party, missing person report or something like that. But it's okay. I forgive you.)
Onward! To summer and freedom and consistent blogging!

-- RM

Monday, May 7, 2012

Time to Partayy!!

Oooor lay on my bed, stuffing our faces full of popcorn and chocolate while watching a movie.
The only problem is ... twin beds can only hold so many people.
I draw the line at four.
There was not enough room for Isaac, Abi, Plutarch the Lamb, Pablo the Mexican Ducky, Snoopy, AND me..
Someone had to go.
I made my siblings sit on the floor.
It's not me being mean, I promise ... It's just that Pablo's claustrophobic.
I mean look at him! He's freaking out about being stuck in the middle.
Poor thing.
(It is completely normal for sixteen-year-old girls to take pictures of her stuffed animals, right? Right. Okay, thanks.)
We picked Mulan.  I do love that movie.  So, I thought I'd share one of my favorite clips with you...

Never gets old.
-- RM

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Yes. Sometimes Even I (Me, Micaiah) Don't Know What to Say

I had to think about this post for a while.  It would be so easy for me to post just a few photos with some funny captions, instead of actually describing some "Awana fun".
I find that whenever I'm asked, "What do you like most about working at Awana?" I freeze up.  I don't know what to say because there is so much to say.  The fact that God has given me the chance to have such a huge impact on children's lives and teach them about His word.
That fills me with too many emotions to form into coherent thought when I'm put on the spot.
I get to watch their faces light up when they say "Deuteronomy" correctly for the very first time.  I get to give them a high-five when they finish reciting all of the books of the Old Testament.  I get to tell them the story of Samson or Samuel when they don't know what the picture in their book is about.
I get to congratulate them when they run up and tell me they lost another tooth.  I get to cheer them on when they're running in the relay race.  I get to offer them a spot on my lap when they're upset about their dad being gone.

So many things that I can remember my Awana leaders doing for me and now it's my turn to share the love of God with these kids who I love so much!
I'm so thankful.

-- RM

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Because I Fail at Life...

So. What I am posting today is from yesterday but about something that happened today.  I'll wait a second while you figure that out.
You good? Okay. We'll move on.
Because of my amazingly advanced procrastinational skills that I've mentioned on several occasions, I didn't post yesterday.  Fourth day into my challenge and I mess it up.
Say it with me, folks, "F to the A to the I to the L."
Anywho.  The slip I drew yesterday was:
I thought I'd tell you about something that happened today but was supposed to be blogged about yesterday, except I wouldn't have known it was going to happen, so we can pretty much just sum up with the fact that this is a blog post from the future. .... Now that we have that cleared up ... Onward!
Today, just a few hours ago, I nearly destroyed our house.
And no.  I'm not exaggerating.  I don't know what you're talking about.  I never exaggerate.
See.  I was making these ridiculously amazing, completely delicious things called sopapillas.  They're like cute little Mexican donuts.  And I'd done it before, it wasn't as if this was a new recipe.  All you do is make the dough, roll it out, cut it into little triangles, fry (in hot oil...), coat with cinnamon and sugar and then enjoy! Really, really simple.
Unless, of course, you decide to move the pan and spill cooking oil onto the stove which just happens to be turned on..
The flames were really pretty.  Unfortunately, I was too busy jumping up and down and waving my arms in a totally helpless fashion to grab my camera.  And that is why this post doesn't have any fun pictures.
Anyways, thanks to my level-headed mother who was conveniently close-by, the fire was extinguished.  This story will be archived right next to that one time when I melted plastic on a coffee cake.
You're looking at a culinary genius, right here.
Conclusion:  Fire is hot.  Smoke burns my eyes and makes breathing a little more difficult than usual.  But, we didn't die, the house is still intact, and our stove will still work.
Plus, those sopapillas were still pretty darn delish.

-- RM

Cue Collective "Awwwwh"

I really have no words for how cute this was and is.
I love them.

-- RM

Thursday, May 3, 2012

In Which I Cheat. Just a Little Bit...

Yes.  I'm cheating on today's challenge.  I drew "nature walk", and the reasoning behind the composition of the above photo is the harsh reality of school work and procrastination.
They don't mix well, boys and girls.
All that to say, because of some un-finished homework, I was not able to get out on a nature walk today.  So, instead, I'm using photographs of several different nature walks from the past couple of months.

This. Is a hedgehog.  I named him Kirby.  For no reason whatsoever.

Spring <3

~ RM

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sibling Communication

Today's slip was "Photoshoot with: ____" And I chose my siblings, because I love them, they're pretty darn-tootin' good looking, and they also just happen to be my official guinea pigs. :D
And I apologize for the quality of the above photo ... I had a much better one, but didn't realize until after dark that it had been deleted from my SD card ...

Just my sister.  Being her gorgeously photogenic self. 

I love that it is so easy to find a setting for a photography session here in Germany.  We just simply up and walk a little ways to the fields and woods on the outskirts of our very own Lupburg.
To say that I like it here would be an immense understatement. 

Photoshoots with Abi are pretty simple.  You tell her where you want her and she'll pick her own pose.

Isaac, on the other hand, requires a little prompting. The above photos followed from me asking him,
"Would you do a serious face?  But not like that. Okay, never mind, just smile."
And then my comments ended abruptly with me falling over laughing.
Oh, siblings.

Well. I guess he got the message.

"Wait. What was that? What message?"

~ RM

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Giggles and Paint

What better way to kick off spring and a blog challenge than:

After enjoying some sister bonding and snack time, we got down to the extremely serious business ahead of us.

On the left, Abi is sporting the ever-classy 'French Thinking Clown' while over on the right I am going with more of the crazed hippy look.  I apologize for my hair.  I am currently trying a "no heat curl" which I learned about here.  We'll see how it goes..

And then Belle. She seemed like she was feeling a wee bit left out.  So I cheered her up with a super snazzy purple nose.  I think it looks quite nice, don't you?

Happy May Day!

*Disclaimer: The following paragraphs are best enjoyed whilst reading aloud in a deep, announcer-type voice.*
In celebration of the month of May, the last month of school, the month of warmth and sunshine, the month of blooming flowers and green trees, I have decided to hold a blog challenge here on
My Story, His Plan.

For this blog challenge, I have filled a fantastically vintage glass jar with little pieces of paper.  Thirty pieces of paper, to be completely mathematical and precise.  Each paper has a blog post subject. Every day throughout the month of May I plan to randomly remove a slip (while imitating Effie Trinket...Hunger Games, anyone?) and post accordingly. 
I am doing this partly because I think it will be fun, partly because I need to make blogging a regular habit, and partly because I have finals this month and like to keep things as interesting and as complicated as possible.   
Happy May Day!  And let's hope my time-management skills are ever in my favor!
-- RM