Friday, February 25, 2011

I Promise! I Can Explain!!

Not really.  I must apologize for not blogging in .... how long has it been? ..... Oh my gracious!!  It's been a week!!!  *Collective gasp*  Now, I could blame my absence on several things:
  1. The internet.
  2. School.
  3. Not having anything of importance to blog about.
Ok, so, excuses one through three are some pretty lame excuses.  But!  Excuse number four is a VERY valid excuse.  Now, you might be wondering what in the world THE PROJECT is.  I will graciously enlighten.
THE PROJECT is the result of joining a Venturing Crew (which is run by the BSA {Boy Scouts of America}.  I know!  I never thought of me as a Boy Scout either .... being a girl .... Well, I'm not really a Boy Scout ... I'm a Venturer ... None of this has made any sense .... My advice: Google it.).  Anywho!!!  My Crew is spending three days in a castle next weekend.  Burg Reinick.  It is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. 
^^^See what I mean?!^^^
 We are going to be staying here with (up to) 95 other Venturers.  And guess what!  On Saturday night there is going to be a medieval banquet!  Uh-huh!!  So, have you guessed what THE PROJECT is yet? ..... Maybe another photo (or two)....
Because our crew was not informed of this trip before the beginning of February, everyone had to try and figure out what to do for their costumes really quickly.  I made three medieval dresses, one for me and one for both of my friends.  And my sewing machine just about died.  I am quite proud that my dress no longer looks like a table cloth....(we're all about creativity that doesn't cost much ;P).  But, I have to say that my sewing machine is not going to see me again for AT LEAST another week and a half.

I think that's a pretty good excuse, don't you?  No?  Phooey.



  1. Making a dress to wear at a banquet in a castle seems like a VERY good excuse :)

  2. I think it's a good excuse! Annndd... I LOVE YOUR DRESS!!!!! :)

  3. Fabulous excuse! =) Though I did miss your updates.. your dress is AMAZING!

  4. Do you guys have some sort of...I don't know...summer camp in Germany? We have Camp Pupukea here...and anyway, I STILL outrank you!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! LOLJKJK

  5. About the there a merit badge for excuses, or something??? Again, LOLJKJK
