Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dear Followers

Time for some interaction!!

I have been thinking about doing some new things on my blog and I would like your input on whether you would enjoy them or not.  So, that means that you're gonna have to comment and tell me what you think.
Some of my blogger friends have recently begun doing contests and give-aways and such.  I have been inspired.  Now, I don't know what I would give away or what kind of contests I would host, but I am sure the creative juices will start flowing soon and an idea will pop into my head :)
I am also working on a series for my blog....more on that later....(can't you just feel the suspense?!).
Short stories.  I LOVE to write short stories, sketches, and even poems.  I would have posted some before now but I have been a little nervous about the response they would receive.
And then there are of course the recipes, crafts, books, and movies that I would love to share and discuss with you all!
This is where you come in.  Comment and let me know what you think about these ideas and if you would enjoy seeing them in the future!



  1. Ooh, Rachel, love the idea...

    Hmm. I think it would be cool to see your writing, art, etc. That would be too cool:)

    Annnnd... hmmmm. Ah yes. Well, no. Well... I'll be thinking on it!
    Go get 'em!


  2. Sounds good! Get creative and I'm sure everyone will be pleased with the results! :)

  3. All your ideas sound like fun! Do whatever you're excited about and know you've go a cheering section :)

  4. Go crazy, girl!!! We'd love it. :P
