Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Feast (part un)

Today is a very special day! It is the day of my Feast. Feast is a tradition in my family, a tradition that we stole from another family somewhere along the line. Each Saturday night we celebrate the Sabbath with a larger meal than normal. Mom spends all day preparing food, my brother, sister and I set the table with our nice silverware and china, and we all sit down to a dinner that will last for at least two hours. This week it is my turn to prepare our Sabbath Feast. The menu: salad for the first course, roast with potatoes and carrots for the main course, rolls and green-bean casserole as sides, and, to top it all off, chocolate truffles for dessert. As I discussed my menu earlier this week with my mom I told her that I must make truffles, I didn't care what I cooked for the main course, there must be truffles present. Well, not everything is finished yet, but here are some pics anyways!
The roast:
The rolls:

and the truffles!!

I will post finished product photos after products are finished (makes sense doesn't it?!).