Saturday, July 31, 2010

So, What's New With You?

What's new with me? Funny you should ask, I was just thinking about doing a blog post on that very subject!
-I just finished up my second week of 'abbreviated' school and next week 'full-blown school' starts. My mom is taking fiendish delight in the whole thing. Obviously she doesn't think we had enough to do over the summer.
-I am reading Frankenstein and Pilgrim's Progress (almost the same thing) for Omnibus.
-Frankenstein is not to be read at 10 o'clock if you want to get any sleep at all...
-Ballet starts up next week....I have mixed feelings on the whole thing. On the one hand, I'm very excited to start again, but on the other hand, I have been a little less than regular about stretching during break. And I don't even want to know what my instructor would do to me if she knew what I've been eating all summer....*shudder*
-I got a hair cut! And boy did I need it! I felt the wind blowing through my hair on my way home! (which is saying something for those of you who haven't seen how thick my hair is. You should have seen the hair-dresser's face "Wow, thick hair yah?" Thin it out! Please! Save me! I can't breathe!...)
-I learned: Un evier ce dans une sal de bains.
-Translation: The sink is in the bathroom.
-My dad was very thankful for my sharing this rare bit of wisdom. And in French too!
-I have learned 'Once Upon A Time' on the piano.
-My grandma will be flying out to visit soon! YAY!
-I have created an obsession over french fried onions, they're like onions from heaven, my mom did not buy them last shopping trip. I and my tummy is sad.
-I am not doing grammar presently if you haven't already noticed.
-My friends have corrupted me, it affects me when I receive text messages saying "I is hungry"
-I'm sorry friends for blaming my incompetence on you.
-I get sidetracked easily, what were we talking about?



  1. Ooh yeah, good old Frankenstien. I found it very interesting but depressing. :( Are you taking secondary also this year?

  2. not online, but I am taking it with my mom :)

  3. The new haircut looks GREAT! And I think "fiendish delight" is a little strong.

  4. So, maybe I exaggerated a teensy bit :D
