Saturday, July 31, 2010

Spiffy Little Things Called Patterns

I enjoy experimenting, designing, creating, destroying, whatever you want to call it. And so far none of my experiments have been all that...well...let's say I haven't been all that proud of any of them. There was that time when I wrote that one song....and that time I made that one 'nightgown'....and that time I choreographed that one performance with the help of my friend that my parents (and hers) so lovingly endured....and that time I tried to cook a coffee cake....and that time I attempted to write that one story...the list never ends. The embarrassing accomplishments go on and on....and on and on...
Well, over the past few weeks I have discovered (while trying to sew yet another garment for my sister) what heavenly, helpful things patterns are! I mean, who would have thought that skirts aren't supposed to be rectangular?! My grandma obviously knew what she was doing when she sent me all those patterns for Christmas. She must have known that I HAD to figure it out some time. So, patterns are lovely things and have helped me create something that my sister might actually wear out in public (the poor thing has become my guinea pig over the past few years...actually more like all her life).
And she didn't even complain about the green zipper...much. The pattern was really cute but the skirt turned out a little too short, so I added the edge of lace ... lace and stripes, no better combination. Then, after the success of this item I attempted a skirt for myself, without a pattern!!! I know what you're thinking, "Is she completely insane?! After all the other....experiments?!" Yes I am insane, but it actually turned out quite nicely: I guess it helps to learn that skirts are not made out of rectangular pieces of fabric...